Model X Joins The Tesla Tours Fleet

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Hraungler!

Our first 7-seater "SUV" Tesla Model X is now available for tours.

Hraungler (Obsidian, lit. 'Lava-glass' in Icelandic) the Tesla Model X 90D (90 kWh)) seats up to 6 guests and has a range of over 400 km on a single charge. Soft white leather interior and falcon-wing doors to accommodate even the tallest of 'XMen' travellers on pilgrimage to the Deadpool movie location at Hatley Park's Castle & Gardens.

Set off around the Pacific Marine Circle Tour and see the wild coasts of Sooke and Port Renfrew and the rolling vineyards of Cowichan. Explore the towering wonders at Cathedral Grove's rainforest. Adventure out to the seemingly endless beaches of Tofino!

Have more than 6 people? We're now booking convoys of up to 14 people! Contact us to book the whole fleet.

Reservations in the X start at a minimum of five hours.

Contact us at to book directly.
